Quotemountain.com Famous Quotes It is not the mountain we conquer, but ourselves.
-- Sir Edmund Hillary

Friendship Quotes

When a friend, then, indulges in the joy of unburdening a secret on to another friend's bosom, he makes the latter, in his turn, feel the urge to taste the same joy himself. He implores him, it is true, not to tell a soul; but if such a condition were taken absolutely literally, it would at once cut off the flow of these joys at their very source. The general practice is for the secret to be confided only to an equally trustworthy friend, the same conditions being imposed on him. And so from trustworthy friend to trustworthy friend the secret goes moving on round that immense chain, until finally it reaches the ears of just the very person or persons whom the first talker had expressly intended it never should reach.

Friendship Quotes

He rose without a friend and sat down without an enemy.

Friendship Quotes

Well, well, perhaps I am a bit of a talker. A popular fellow such as I am -- my friends get round me -- we chaff, we sparkle, we tell witty stories -- and somehow my tongue gets wagging. I have the gift of conversation. I've been told I ought to have a salon, whatever that may be.

Friendship Quotes

Never forget public ignorance is the government's best friend.

Friendship Quotes

He that loseth wealth, loseth much; he that loseth friends, loseth more; but he that loseth his spirit loseth all.

Friendship Quotes

If all the gold in the world were melted down into a solid cube it would be about the size of an eight room house. If a man got possession of all that gold -- billions of dollars worth -- he could not buy a friend, character, peace of mind, clear conscience or a sense of eternity.

Friendship Quotes

The virtue of dress rehearsals is that they are a free show for a select group of artists and friends of the author, and where for one unique evening the audience is almost expurgated of idiots.

Friendship Quotes

Its the little things that matter, that add up in the end, with the priceless thrilling magic found only in a friend.

Friendship Quotes

There are only two things to worry about, either you are healthy or you are sick. If you are healthy, then there is nothing to worry about. But if you are sick there are only two things to worry about, either you will get well or you will die. If you get well, then there is nothing to worry about. But if you die there are only two things to worry about, either you will go to heaven or to hell. If you go to heaven, then there is nothing to worry about. And if you to go hell, you'll be so darn busy shaking hands with your friends you won't have time to worry!

Friendship Quotes

Formula for Success... and then some. The top people do what's expected of them, and then some. They are thoughtful and considerate of others, and then some. They meet their obligations and responsibilities fairly and squarely, and then some. They are good friends to their friends, and then some. They can be counted on in an emergency, and then some. And so it is when we do what is assigned to us in our lives and in the church, and then some; then the Lord pays in full, and then some.

Friendship Quotes

There is one subtle but important difference between genius and stupidity and that is that genius has its limits. You'll see yourself clearest in the eyes of your friends.

Friendship Quotes

Of journeying the benefits are many: the freshness it bringeth to the heart, the seeing and hearing of marvelous things, the delight of beholding new cities, the meeting of unknown friends, and the learning of high manners.

Friendship Quotes

My friend, why have you drifted so far away? All motion is relative, maybe it is you who have moved away by standing still.

Friendship Quotes

I ever will profess myself the greatest friend to those whose actions best correspond with their doctrine; which, I am sorry to say, is too seldom the case amongst those nations who pretend most to civilization.

Friendship Quotes

There are times when I think that the ideal library is composed solely of reference books. They are like understanding friends-always ready to change the subject when you have had enough of this or that.

Friendship Quotes

His thoughts were slow. His words were few and never formed to glisten. But he was a joy to all his friends, you should have heard him LISTEN!

Friendship Quotes

I'm not much of a golfer, I don't have any friends and, all I like to do is go home and be alone, and not worry about ways not to lose.

Friendship Quotes

Marriage, for a woman at least, hampers the two things that made life to me glorious -- friendship and learning.

Friendship Quotes

Be careful about lending a friend money. It may damage her memory.

Friendship Quotes

No man who is not willing to help himself has any right to apply to his friends, or to the gods.

Friendship Quotes

It doesn't work if the bad guys kill his mother's uncle's friend's neighbor's pet dog. You've got to make the stakes high. [Explaining why the hero's woman must get shot]

Friendship Quotes

Friendship's the privilege of private men; for wretched greatness knows no blessing so substantial.

Friendship Quotes

It is not what you give your friend, but what you are willing to give him that determines the quality of friendship.

Friendship Quotes

Verily, great grace may go with a little gift; and precious are all things that come from a friend.

Friendship Quotes

Only your real friends will tell you when your face is dirty.

Friendship Quotes

Real friends are those who, when you've made a fool of yourself, don't feel that you've done a permanent job.

Friendship Quotes

How rare and wonderful is that flash of a moment when we realize we have discovered a friend.

Friendship Quotes

Good friends are good for your health.

Friendship Quotes

One who looks for a friend without faults will have none.

Friendship Quotes

Who finds a faithful friend, finds a treasure.

Friendship Quotes