Quotemountain.com Famous Quotes It is not the mountain we conquer, but ourselves.
-- Sir Edmund Hillary

Yoda Quotes

Powerful you have become, the dark side I sense in you.

Why wish you become Jedi, hmmmmm?

Ohh, a great warrior, hmmm? Wars not make one great.

Fear is the path to the Dark Side. Fear leads to anger; anger leads to hate; hate leads to suffering. I sense much fear in you.

Death is a natural part of life. Rejoice for those around you who transform into the Force. Mourn them, do not. Miss them, do not. Attachment leads to jealousy. The shadow of greed that is. Train yourself to let go of everything you fear to lose.

Attachment leads to jealousy, the shadow of greed that is. Train yourself to let go of everything you fear to lose.

Until the time is right, disappear we will.

I hope right you are.